

WorklifeExperts je blog společnosti Novus Dahle zaměřený na pracovní život. Jako odborníci zaujímáme informativním a zábavným způsobem stanovisko k aktuálním tématům a dáváme nové podněty – jak v profesionální, tak i v hobby oblasti. Prioritou je vždy: pracovat kreativně, zdravě, efektivně a bezpečně.

Create your own mini-pond in a wooden barrel – with our easy to follow instructions

As soon as the weather warms up we’re itching to get outside. Patios, balconies and...

Office furnishings – Find your ideal workstation with Novus Dahle WorklifeExperts

An ergonomic workstation, modern office lighting, high-quality office equipment – if employees are to feel comfortable and work...

Stationery: Pencil sharpeners, scissors, perforators etc.

Besides office furniture, smaller office supplies are probably the most important things that make office...

Build your own sandpit

4 tips including instructions Build sandcastles, feel the sand between your toes and let your...

Computer glasses and other glasses for working in front of screens

There has been an enormous increase in recent years in the amount of work being...

Quick back exercises for the office, including interview with an expert!

People who work in offices are all too familiar with the problem: we arrive at...

Make an Easter basket – instructions and creative template for Easter

The first spring flowers are bursting out of the ground, the birds are starting to...

How to build your own cold frame

February is just the right time of the year for building a cold frame in...

The modern office motto is Open Space

Noisy, hectic and stressful – many people associate open-plan offices with a call-centre atmosphere. But...

Working outside – an office under open skies

Wind, rain or even snow – who would volunteer to work outside in winter? When...