

WorklifeExperts je blog společnosti Novus Dahle zaměřený na pracovní život. Jako odborníci zaujímáme informativním a zábavným způsobem stanovisko k aktuálním tématům a dáváme nové podněty – jak v profesionální, tak i v hobby oblasti. Prioritou je vždy: pracovat kreativně, zdravě, efektivně a bezpečně.



8 nalezeno příspěvky

What helps with back pain from sitting

That hurts Do you know that too: You want to swing your energy out of...

Workplace design – flexible, modern and mobile

What were the times when you walked into the wood-paneled office every morning at the...

Work ergonomically in the home office

How to optimise your home workspace equipment Working from home is a rising trend. After...

Glare protection at work in spring

Optimum lighting conditions protect your eyes, head and neck Spring: The sun shines into your...

Office furnishings – Find your ideal workstation with Novus Dahle WorklifeExperts

An ergonomic workstation, modern office lighting, high-quality office equipment – if employees are to feel comfortable and work...

Computer glasses and other glasses for working in front of screens

There has been an enormous increase in recent years in the amount of work being...

Quick back exercises for the office, including interview with an expert!

People who work in offices are all too familiar with the problem: we arrive at...

Office set up – from 0 to 100 to dream office

At hardly any other place do we spend as much time each day as at...