NOVUS label holder with paper for copy tray
Plastic label holder with blank paper inserts for CopyTray storage tray
We have specially developed tray sets for your storage. Do you want to stick to your tested shelving system in trays? But why should you use your work surface for it? Novus provides shelving in the third level and supports you to work efficiently on a daily basis.
Never again search in vain: with Novus tray sets, you can find documents quickly when you need them. Keep an overview and organise your documents with Novus tray sets.
Office organisation with Novus
Concentrate on your job. Space at your workstation creates space in your mind. Create even more space with Novus shelves, trays and display pocket holders. Organise your things so that everything has a set place without having to be hidden away in drawers. Properly organise everything and always have things to hand when you need them.
Choose Novus office accessories and create more space for more efficient working.
Three dimensions - Ever present & never in the way
Which drawer did I put the stapler in? Paperclips? Hole punch? What would life be like with clearly visible, organised and ready-to-use storage, instead of having to hide everything?
Novus tools for office organisation are the perfect addition to your more space system. Simply move your essential office equipment, paper, pens and everything else above instead of under or across your desk. Are you still looking or are you back to work already?