

WorklifeExperts jest to blog Novus Dahle o tematyce dotyczącej życia zawodowego. Jako eksperci poruszamy aktualne tematy, dostarczając informacji i rozrywki oraz przedstawiamy nowe sugestie, zarówno dotyczące pracy, jak i czasu wolnego. Zawsze w centrum uwagi: kreatywna, zdrowa, wydajna i bezpieczna praca.



17 wpisy znaleziony


Working outside – an office under open skies

Wind, rain or even snow – who would volunteer to work outside in winter? When...

Applying and installing a vapour barrier membrane

Reduce energy costs and insulate your attic yourself! As energy costs continue to rise rapidly,...

Setting priorities – 5 tips on time management and prioritisation

Really truly: Who always has a grip on all their assignments and deadlines? It’s not...

Office set up – from 0 to 100 to dream office

At hardly any other place do we spend as much time each day as at...

6 tips for a stress-free holiday handover

It’s time for your holiday and your travel is all booked. If you want to...

A tidy workstation – office organisation takes care of itself

Whether you’re one of those people who love to be tidy or you’re a sloppy...

There goes more: Stapler and punch for large paper piles

Do you know that too? It is Monday morning, the presentation of the management begins...