Blind rivet nuts

Easy thread insertion.

Blind rivet nuts are always used when the material can only be accessed from one side, and a thread needs to be inserted in the material. This thread can then be used to attach signs or other things with a screw. For this purpose, there are rivet nuts with internal threads in sizes M4, M5 and M6.

NOVUS Aluminium rivet nut Type A6 M4

NOVUS Aluminium rivet nut Type A6 M4

Aluminium rivet nut in a diameter of 6 mm with internal M4 thread, ideal for fastening of non-ferrous metal, plastic and lightweight construction material

NOVUS Aluminium rivet nut Type A7 M5

Aluminium rivet nut in a diameter of 7 mm with internal M5 thread, ideal for fastening of non-ferrous metal, plastic and lightweight construction material

NOVUS Aluminium rivet nut Type A9 M6

Aluminium rivet nut in a diameter of 9 mm with internal M6 thread, ideal for fastening of non-ferrous metal, plastic and lightweight construction material

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S6 M4

Steel rivet nut in a diameter of 6 mm with internal M4 thread, ideal for fastening of sheet steel

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S7 M5

Steel rivet nut in a diameter of 7 mm with internal M5 thread, ideal for fastening of sheet steel

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

Steel rivet nut in a diameter of 9 mm with internal M6 thread, ideal for fastening of sheet steel

The right blind rivet nuts for
your material.

To be able to install a blind rivet nut, you need to know the material’s thickness and composition. Novus supplies aluminium and steel blind rivet nuts in various sizes for different applications.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

Aluminium rivet nuts

For working with non-ferrous metals, plastics and lightweight materials.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

Steel rivet nuts

For riveting steel sheets.

Advantages of riveted joints

  • In comparison to screws, the advantage of blind rivet nuts is that no thread is made in any of the components.
  • The connection is permanent and can only be broken by destroying it.
  • It only requires access to one (usually the outer) side of the component.
  • Setting a blind rivet nut is quick, easy and straightforward.
NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

How to install
blind rivet nuts correctly.

We'll show you step by step how best to use
blind rivet nuts for blind rivet nut pliers.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

1 Measure

Measure the material thickness and select the appropriate blind rivet nut from the tables below.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

2 Drill hole

Drill a hole (0.1 mm larger in diameter than the blind rivet nut) into the part to be joined.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

3 Insert threaded mandrel

Open handle catch and insert the threaded shaft.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

4 Screw on blind rivet nut

Screw the blind rivet nut flush onto the threaded mandrel.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

5 Guide through drill hole

Guide the blind rivet nut through the drill hole, set the stroke limitation and press the handles together.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

6 Attach object

Securely fasten an object to the blind rivet nut.

Blind rivet nuts are used here.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

Fastening signs

Novus blind rivet nuts are ideal for attaching signs in places that are only accessible from one side.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

Attaching a licence plate

Blind rivet nuts are also particularly suitable for DIY-ers. They make it easy to attach a moped insurance plate, for instance.

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

Attaching a nameplate

Signs can be attached quickly and easily to a locker thanks to the threads in the blind rivet nuts.

Material thickness.

This overview shows which blind rivet nut has the appropriate material thickness for riveting (depending on rivet diameter and length). This dimension is generally referred to as the clamping length (K).

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6

Blind rivet nut lengths

NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6
NOVUS steel rivet nut Type S9 M6


  • To avoid contact corrosion, the workpiece and blind rivet nut should be made of the same material for metal joints.
  • The diameter of the hole should always be 0.1 mm larger than the diameter of the blind rivet.
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