
Novus Dahle GmbH
Breslauer Straße 34 – 38
49808 Lingen (Ems)
Phone: +49 9563 / 75299 – 0
Fax: +49 9563 / 75299 – 333

An emco Group company

head office: Lingen, Germany
Registration: Osnabrück Commercial Register HRA 100325
General partner: Novus Dahle Verwaltung GmbH, Lingen, Osnabrück Commercial Register HRB 212830
Managing Directors: Dipl.-Angl./BWL Frank Indenkämpen, Dipl.-Kfm. Daniel Sobhan-Sarbandi
VAT registration no. under Section 27a of German Turnover Tax Law (UStG): DE 812975481

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